
Seasonal Shifts at Taushubetsuー季節が進むタウシュベツ
24年05月 · 05/20/2024
The water level of Nukabira Lake has been rising, and in recent days, the pillars of the Taushubetsu Bridge have begun to submerge. With almost all the remaining snow now gone from Mount Nipesotsu in the background, it seems the influx of meltwater will soon subside. In my previous post, I shared a photo taken from the same angle on this day six years ago, in 2018. Comparing the two, it’s evident that the snowmelt this year has progressed much faster, as the older photo showed Mount Nipesotsu...

Beneath the Bridgeー水面近づくタウシュベツ
24年05月 · 05/16/2024
As the water level of Lake Nukabira continues to rise, the submerged area gradually expands across the lakebed. At this rate, the pillars of the Taushubetsu Bridge will soon be enveloped by water, likely within the next few days. Although the pace of the water's ascent has slowed, it’s possible that the levels may begin to recede again soon. This scene unfolds in the refreshingly crisp air of early summer in Hokkaido, capturing the serene beauty typical of the region.

24年05月 · 05/10/2024
タウシュベツ川橋梁の立つ糠平湖では、雪解け水が流れ込み始めた春先から水位上昇がつづいています。 現在までに、橋脚下に水面がとどくまで残り3メートル弱となりました。